Online Directory

Supporting Local Businesses

Coupon Directory

Over a Half Million books printed and kept stocked in 9000 Locations, 365 days a year in Manatee and Sarasota County

Online Coupon Directory for Sarasota & Manatee

Our Online Coupon Directory aims to help local residents and tourists search for restaurants, companies, and various services in Sarasota & Manatee in a more targeted and efficient way.  

Discover The Advantages of the uCoupon Platform for Residents and Tourists Alike!

Discovering local treasures is one of the benefits of living in or visiting the Gulf Coast.  

The uCoupon Platfrom is an innovative resource for residents and tourists seeking unbeatable deals. 19.8 Million books printed and distributed since 2011 

Residents who utilize the uCoupon Book enjoy significant savings on local businesses and services. By shopping locally, residents contribute to their neighborhood's economy while discovering local businesses.
Tourists visiting the Gulf Coast Area will find that the uCoupon Book is a treasure trove of savings on local attractions, unique shops, dining experiences, and entertainment options that make each visit memorable.
The uCoupon Book has incorporated a QR CODE on every Coupon Advertisement to quickly direct customers to the website of each advertiser. This allows customers to carry and save coupon information in their pocket.

Our Featured Coupon Specials